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June 21, 2010


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Fantastic post. I am a serious book addict as well, and would find it terribly hard to give up the tactile experience of printed books.

You make an interesting point about television. I see two sides to it: on one hand, some shows are embracing character development and depth of plot. On the other hand, there is a rash of shows that do the exact opposite (think of "reality" TV that thrives on sensationalizing some of the least interesting characters on the planet).

Television seems to increasingly cater to both the highest AND lowest common denominator! Fascinating...the patterns of human media production.


I agree with you about the "old fashioned" books. I love books, I love holding a good book , reading it and being able to take it along with me.

I find most times that movies tend to "spoil" the essence of the book.

Great post! :)

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