Good lord, I've neglected this space for too long. But a lot's happened in the last few months, and it's far past time for an update.
For one thing, in addition to my already-busy day job, I've started doing a lot more freelance work this year. I've written fairly regularly for NSFWCorp (subscribe now), including The Zero Tolerance Generation, a major piece of investigative journalism I'd wanted to do since my Coilhouse days, along with plenty of musings on the South and politics in our fractious time. I've also started writing some cultural stuff over at Airship Daily, starting with a piece on House of Cards and its vision of a Dickensian Black-Ops State.
In an earlier year, this might have gone in this space, so it's somewhat a sign of success that this has been silent while more pressing projects have loomed.
As someone who writes for a living, I have to prioritize paying work over personal, even when I want to write 3,000 words about a societal collapse almost no one remembers. Additionally, the publications above are also great places run by excellent people, and they're paying for important work too. I also have to balance my work schedule with being a good partner and friend while managing to stay somewhat sane/healthy.
So, while the Breaking Time will not remain vacant in the way it has for awhile, it will change. This will remain an open space for notes, random thoughts, observations, and off-the-cuff predictions or scenarios. But you'll see less essays and long-form pieces (from me at least, if people submit interesting ones, I'm always happy to run them).
It will also remain open for any others who volunteer to write on these themes; I've been fortunate to have some great contributors here, and this remains open for them (and new ones) too.
To the readers here, thank you, especially for continued support and patience. I hope to have at least some short work up here soon, and I think this will remain an interesting space for years to come.
David Forbes